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Alexandria J. Taylor

Fired, now what?

Being fired from your job can be taxing both emotionally and financially. Thinking that their only option for justice is a pricey and dragged-out lawsuit, many decide to just let it go and move on. However, a lawsuit is NOT the only option to hold employers accountable for wrongful termination, and employers should not be able to get away with discrimination or retaliation of any sort in the workplace.

At Taylor Law Firm, we know firsthand that lawsuits can be intimidating -- the fees adding up, the fact that employers tend to have teams of expensive attorneys, and the doubt that all of the sacrifice and hard work to hold employers accountable may not even result in a payout. However, we also know that a lawsuit is far from the first option for those who have been wrongfully terminated. No matter how large and intimidating their teams of lawyers are, most companies would rather not have a lawsuit on their hands. So, at Taylor Law Firm we attempt to work directly with companies in order to settle without even going to court.

If you’ve been wrongly terminated, or if you’re feeling like you are being targeted or discriminated against in the workplace, it is in your best interest to prepare. First, keep everything that is in your employee file, and if you do not have something, request it from HR. Second, attempt to keep a record of everything that is happening to you in the workplace, such as: targeted harassment, discrimination, sexual assault, retaliation, etc. It is helpful to be able to spell out the exact dates that such incidents occur. Lastly, don’t wait to take action! Contacting an attorney and beginning the process sooner rather than later is essential to getting you the best results that we can.

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